Georgia DOT Diverging Diamond Interchange at I-75 and GA20 Traffic Shift

I-75 Traffic | I-75 Georgia Road Construction | I-75 Exit Guide

The Georgia Department of Transportation will be doing a traffic shift on Interstate 75 and Georgia 20 interchange in Henry County to facilitate stage 3 construction on April 18, 2022, from 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM.  The Eastbound lanes will be shifting right and closing one of the left turn lanes to I-75. The Westbound lanes will shift right and close one left turn lane to I-75.

The project will include short-term temporary closures of the Interstate 75 overpass at certain points during the construction. According to project engineers, the closures will include periodic nightly closures. Georgia DOT will announce these closures and post signage in advance to alert motorists to the situation. 

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