Project to Resurface 16 Miles of Georgia’s I-75 Starts Monday

I-75 Traffic | I-75 Georgia Road Construction | I-75 Exit Guide

A Georgia Department of Transportation project to resurface nearly 16 miles of Interstate 75 in Houston and Peach Counties will start Monday, May 18, 2020.

The contractor will begin with the first phase: milling and laying new asphalt on the shoulders of the northbound and southbound lanes, which should take until the end of June, 2020. At that point, the crews will enter the second phase: milling and laying new asphalt on the lanes themselves. All work will take place in overnight shifts from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on Mondays through Fridays. The crews are not scheduled to work overnights Saturdays and Sundays, but if the situation arises where a team needs to work during a weekend, an alert will be sent out.

The project’s length extends from just south of the Georgia 26 interchange (exit 127) in Houston County to just north of the Georgia 96 interchange (exit 142) in Peach County.

While the crews are resurfacing a section of shoulder, that section of shoulder and the lane nearest to the shoulder will be closed to traffic around the work zone. While the teams progress northward and southward on the interstate, the work zone will travel with them.

The crews will also resurface the shoulders on the exit on-ramps and off-ramps within the project when they reach them. They do not anticipate any ramp closures, but motorists may need to drive with care through the work zone. The affected exit interchanges include:

  • Georgia 26 (exit 127)
  • South Perry Parkway (exit 134)
  • Georgia 127/Georgia 224 (exit 135)
  • Georgia 7/Sam Nunn Boulevard (exit 136)
  • US 341/Perry Parkway (exit 138)
  • Georgia 96 (exit 142)

At this time, project engineers do not anticipate traffic congestion from the lane closures, as the number of vehicles on Interstate 75 is reduced during overnight hours and phase one will still leave two lanes open. If motorists encounter the crews and their equipment, they are encouraged to slow their speeds and drive with extra caution through the work zone.

WHEN: Shoulder resurfacing starts Monday, May 18 and is expected to be complete by end of June, 2020. At that point, the actual lane resurfacing will begin. Work will be performed in overnight shifts from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Mondays through Fridays.

WHERE: Interstate 75 from the Georgia 26 interchange (exit 127) in Houston County to the Georgia 96 interchange (exit 142) in Peach County, Georgia

Advisory: Motorists are advised to expect delays, exercise caution, and reduce their speed while traveling through work zones. Our maintenance team members who repair roads and bridges and our project teams who oversee construction projects are continuing their essential work, while following sanitary work practices prescribed by health agencies to protect themselves and the public from the coronavirus, as are most state DOTs in the U.S.

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