Lane Closures on I-75 in Tennessee Thru July 13, 2016

I-75 Traffic | I-75 Construction Tennessee Road Construction | I-75 Exit Guide

The Tennessee Department of Transportation reports the following construction activities on Interstate 75 thru July 13, 2016

I-75 resurfacing from MM 31 to MM 39:
Work on this project continues. During this report period, there will be temporary lane closures on I‑75 North and South so the contractor can install permanent pavement markings on the project. Temporary lane closures for paving operations will only be allowed from Sunday through Thursday evenings between 7PM and 6AM. One lane will remain open at all times during the work. Temporary lane closures for bridge work will be allowed on weekends from 7PM Friday until 6AM Monday. The contractor will be allowed eight weekends to complete the bridge repairs. No lane closures will be allowed on holiday weekends or during local festivals or events. Estimated project completion is August 2016.

I-75 construction and paving at Exit 25
Work on this project continues. During this report period, there will be intermittent lane closures as the contractor works on the soil nail retaining wall. Estimated project completion is summer 2016.

I-75 construction at north off-ramp at Exit 9
As part of the new FedEx development at Exit 9, the contractor will be working in the off-ramp area from I-75 North to Apison Pike. The off-ramp has been narrowed to allow the contractor to work along the right lane and shoulder of the ramp. Additionally, the right shoulder of Apison Pike from the exit ramp to the bridge is closed. This traffic pattern will be in place until July 31, 2016.

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