Barriers to be Removed, Lanes Opened on I-16 to I-75 in Georgia for Hurricane Dorian Evacuation

Georgia Hurricane Evacuation | I-75 Exit Guide

The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) and its contractors have decided on a plan to remove barriers and lane closures currently in place for the long-term Interstate 75/Interstate 16 Improvements Project ONLY along Interstate 16 from Spring Street to its junction with Interstate 75 in Macon-Bibb County, in advance of tomorrow’s scheduled Hurricane Dorian Evacuation.

State officials predict that a million residents of Southeastern Georgia and Eastern Florida have been ordered to evacuate due to the devastating storm’s probable approach, and Macon-Bibb County is a hub for many of those residents, due to the junction of Interstates 16 and 75.

As of this alert, contractors are preparing crews, vehicles and equipment for the I-16 barrier removal. At some point this afternoon or this evening they will begin pulling out all the orange and white barrels and concrete barriers along the interstate. They will likely continue into the overnight hours.

Motorists are urged to avoid that stretch of Interstate 16 today, so that the crews can perform the removal quickly and safely. Any motorists who approach the work zone may encounter a temporary lane closure, and are urged to slow their speeds and drive alert to the situation.

To repeat information and advice shared earlier: the contraflow operation of Interstate 16 through Georgia and roughly to Dublin, Georgia will start at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, Sept. 3, 2019. While I-16 in most of Macon-Bibb County will not be contraflowed, traffic is expected to increase greatly through the day on it and I-75 throughout the West Central region. Local residents are urged to avoid all interstates during this time and encourage use of county roads and state routes as alternatives. For help finding an alternate route, make a free call to Georgia 511 where a friendly operator will be standing by to assist.

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