Several I-75 Rest Areas in Georgia Closed for Renovations

Georgia I-75 Rest Area Renovations | I-75 Exit Guide

The Georgia Department of Transportation reports that several rest areas along I-75 are currently closed or will be closing for renovations. Motorists will not be able to access facility driveways, parking areas or building during construction.

  • ​Rest Area #5 Cook County
    ​I-75 Northbound at mile marker 46.7
    Closed: ​3/27/2017
    Reopens: 5/4/2018
  • Rest Area #6 Cook County
    I-75 Southbound at mile marker 48.0
    Closed: ​​3/27/2017
    Reopens: ​​5/4/2018
  • Rest Area #22 Monroe County
    I-75 Southbound at mile marker 179.0
    Closed: 1/29/2018
    Reopens: 6/28/2018
  • Rest Area #34 Gordon County
    I-75 Northbound at mile marker 308.0
    Closed: 1/29/2018
    Reopens: 6/28/2018
  • Rest Area #35 Gordon County
    I-75 Southbound at mile marker 320.0
    Closed: 1/29/2018
    Reopens: 6/28/2018

NOTE: There are no welcome center closings scheduled. The number of days closed/re-open date is anticipated and subject to change.

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I-75 Exit Guide
One of the most complete road travel resources of its kind on the Internet! The Interstate 75 Exit Information Guide features exit service listings for the entire length of I-75 from Michigan to Florida! Food, gas, lodging, rest areas, attractions and more…


  1. This is the most unorganized closure in Georgia’s history. All rest stops from Sth Georgia (Nth & Sth) to Atlanta…..Closed 😵. And not any rest stop looks as if any work is being done. We came down from the mountains on 2/10/18 with a camper and return trip was 3/25/18. Why would anyone close all of them at the same time pretty dumb 😠

    • These rest stops were newley renovated in the past several years….My thought is they closed them to save money to use on the bridges & Highways in Atlanta😡

      • Yes, very inconvenient, to say the least. Georgia was never too big on rest areas anyway, figuring the happy motorists can utilize the facilities at a fast food restaurant or filling station, and they might spend some $$ while they are there.

  2. Who is the nitwit that thought it was a great idea to close ALL of the rest stops along I-75 at the same time? What an inconvenience when traveling with children, pets and the elderly. This is a huge embarrassment to your state’s travel industry. We would love to be able to avoid driving through Georgia anyway because of the traffic 24/7 in Atlanta and the speed traps with off the hook fines.

  3. Why are you closing so many GA rest areas at once?! They are greatly needed more than ever in the summer months. It’s ok to do a face lift for the rest areas, but must you do them all at the same time? This is a great inconvenience, especially for those with small children.

  4. what the heck, why are all of you rest areas still closed, i see no work being done . august, 2018. what a load of crap. im glad i don’t live in georgia. tax payer money at work. wow

  5. Way to go, Georgia. Nothing like having travelers come through your state and find no respite from the road in the form of rest area. We travel this route several times per year between Florida and Michigan, and have seen these lovely, unopened rest areas, pristinely manicured, trees trimmed, just beckoning to a weary traveler, who, like a thirsty animal that sees water, but can’t get over the fence to get it, has to look on towards salvation at either the Florida, or Tennessee border for relief. Perhaps,,,,,,, in another lifetime, …………

  6. Rest area is closed for six months! Southbound at 475 and Macon .The busiest time of the year , spring break through Labor Day. Rarely was work seen being done. Only half the rest area renovated and what was done was pure lipstick. I wonder whose brother-in-law got that contract from the state. Truly an embarrassment to the entire state of Georgia.


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